Happy New Year to You All!
The new year brings “old” members back. And we have also added a few new members recently, so WELCOME EVERYONE.
Theme of the Month: The season was probably busy, and it showed in our Theme of the Month (TOM). The theme was “Seasonal Shots with a Smartphone”. We had barely enough submissions to post in the Kiva Club, but our slide show above and on our Galleries page shows some of what our members submitted. If you still want to participate in the TOM, send submissions by 5 p.m. Monday, January 20 to tpc.contact21@gmail.com. We always appreciate being able to feature your photos in our print and digital displays at Kiva.
TPC ANNUAL CLUB COMPETITION - Our club competition is now open and closes at 6 p.m. on January 31, 2025. We hope that all of our club members will participate. It is a great learning experience for all of us! Categories are “Open”, “Sunrise/sunset” and “Cityscape”. Can't wait to see your entries.
As always, please remember to check the rules on our website at these links: How to Enter a TPC Projected Images Competition, How to Resize Your Images for Competition, and a copy of the email with further instructions that was sent to all members on November 29. Competition photos are to be emailed to marygtrilogyphotoclub@gmail.com. The winners will not receive a free trip to Paris, but they will receive ribbons and recognition so enter anyway! The Photographic Society of America (PSA) has once again agreed to judge our entries and it is a great learning experience for all of us. We members love to see photos from you. That is why we have a club.
Golf Cart Parade: Several members were able to take photos of the annual Golf Cart parade, and these photos have been posted on the website. If you know anyone who would like high-resolution copies of these photos suitable for printing, ask them to contact club members Gary Zoeller or Duane Lakin or shoot us an email at tpc.contact21@gmail.com. (We are not selling the photos but a donation to the club is always appreciated.)
Next Meeting: January meeting is 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, 22nd. Our featured speaker will be Mark Laverman, President of the Phoenix Photography Club. He will talk to us about photographing wild animals. Our members will also be presenting a “Story Behind the Photo” as well as “Member Highlight”.
Road Trip: Gary Zoeller is working on a 3-4 day road trip on Route 66. It should be a lot of fun with many stops. If you are interested in helping plan or attending such a trip soon, please let Gary know. When a date is set, it will be announced at a meeting and via email to members.
Art Shows: January and February brings two competing art shows in Scottsdale. These are the “Celebration of Fine Art” https://celebrateart.com/and “Arizona Fine Art Expo" https://arizonafineartexpo.com/. There are always photos by professional artists in the shows. And, hopefully, one of the artists from the Expo, Jamie Rood, will be joining us in February if the details can be worked out. Also our neighbor and recent club member, Craig Pursley, shows his beautiful paintings at the Expo. Craig may also be seen there working on a painting of Sage, the gorgeous cougar at Out of Africa, from a photo taken by me at the Kathleen Reeder outing. So visit and say hello to Craig and Jamie.
See you on January 22nd. And remember: The secret to taking better photos is to TAKE MORE PHOTOS!
Duane Lakin, President